
Celebrating GGN’s 20th anniversary, we’ve made 8 videos showcasing its history and goals. All UNESCO Geoparks, National and Regional networks are invited to join the celebration and use these videos in their virtual or presencial events.

What is GGN?
Video 4' with English voice.
Attractive video explaining simple the GGN role and interest.
It can, on request, be subtitled in local or national language
What's GGN?
Except for an event (virtual or presential) where you can download the video from youtube, please diffuse the video by using the youtube link

GGN history
Video 4' with English voice.
GGN history, important steps, evolution, etc..
It can, on request, be subtitled in local or national language
The GGN history
Except for an event (virtual or presential) where you can download the video from youtube, please diffuse the video by using the youtube link

Thematic video
Video 2' with English subtitles.
6 thematic videos
-sustainable development
-geological heritage conservation
-climate change and oceans
-disaster reduction
On your request, It can be subtitled in local or national language
Except for an event (virtual or presential) where you can download the video from youtube, please diffuse the video by using the youtube link